Help Wanted: Test Cases for "Fussy" Mode

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While feedback on the «Fussy» parse mode has been generally positive — with a
few notable exceptions :-) — it seems clear that it is currently excessively,
uhm, «Fussy».

To help us better fine-tune this, I would ask that anyone with a particularly
good example of cases where «Fussy» mode is excessively fussy — e.g. produces
a gazillion errors instead of one or two, or complains of things that are not
really problems under any circumstances — let us know. Please, if possible,
reduce your examples to a minimal test case (it reduces the time we have to
spend on doing it) and indicate whether we may include your example in our
internal test suite.

The «canonical» example right now, of beeing excessively fussy, is a long
table without a <tbody> element (which gets an error for every single <tr>).

Also welcome would be examples of where «Fussy» mode actually does its job;
namely catches errors that would normally have been overlooked.

- -- 
"Hath no man's dagger here a point for me?"   - Leonato, Governor of Messina.
                   See Project Gutenberg <URL:> for more.

Version: PGP SDK 3.0.2


Received on Saturday, 30 August 2003 14:36:10 UTC