Validator, frames, anchors, targets

HTML 4.0 specification includes the sections below. Section 12.2 (A 
element) mentions target and 6.16 defines reserved values for frames. 
The validator, though does not seem to like the target attribute.

The problem arose when I placed the w3 4.0 valid icon in a button pane 
but want the selection of that icon to bring up the page in a 
new window.

Is this an oversight in the validator or am I missing something?

12.2 The Aelement
<!ELEMENT A- - ( %inline; )* -(A)       -- anchor -->
<!ATTLIST A %attrs; -- %coreattrs ,%i18n ,%events -- charset %Charset; 
#IMPLIED  -- char encoding of linked resource -- type %ContentType; 
#IMPLIED  -- advisory content type -- name CDATA #IMPLIED  -- named 
link end -- href %URI; #IMPLIED  -- URI for linked resource -- hreflang 
%LanguageCode; #IMPLIED  -- language code -- rel %LinkTypes; #IMPLIED  
-- forward link types -- rev %LinkTypes; #IMPLIED  -- reverse link 
types -- accesskey %Character; #IMPLIED  -- accessibility key character 
-- shape %Shape; rect      -- for use with client-side image maps -- 
coords %Coords; #IMPLIED  -- for use with client-side image maps -- 
tabindex NUMBER #IMPLIED  -- position in tabbing order -- onfocus 
%Script; #IMPLIED  -- the element got the focus -- onblur %Script; 
#IMPLIED  -- the element lost the focus --

Start tag: required , End tag: required

Attribute definitions
name =cdata [CS]
This attribute names the current anchor so that it may be the 
destination of another link. The value of this attribute must be a 
unique anchor name. The scope of this name is the current document. 
Note that this attribute shares the same name space as the id attribute.
href =uri [CT]
This attribute specifies the location of a Web resource, thus defining 
a link between the current element (the source anchor) and the 
destination anchor defined by this attribute.
hreflang =langcode [CI]
This attribute specifies the base language of the resource designated 
by href and may only be used when href is specified.
type =content-type [CI]
When present, this attribute specifies the content type of a piece of 
content, for example, the result of dereferencing a URI. Content types 
are defined in [MIMETYPES] .
rel =link-types [CI]
This attribute describes the relationship from the current document to 
the anchor specified by the href attribute. The value of this attribute 
is a space-separated list of link types.
rev =link-types [CI]
This attribute is used to describe a reverse link from the anchor 
specified by the href attribute to the current document. The value of 
this attribute is a space-separated list of link types.
charset =charset [CI]
This attribute specifies the character encoding of the resource 
designated by the link. Please consult the section on character 
encodings for more details.

Attributes defined elsewhere
id ,class (document-wide identifiers )
lang (language information ), dir (text direction )
title (element title )
style (inline style information )
shape and coords (image maps )
onfocus ,onblur ,onclick ,ondblclick ,onmousedown ,onmouseup 
,onmouseover ,onmousemove ,onmouseout ,onkeypress ,onkeydown ,onkeyup 
(intrinsic events )
target (target frame information )
tabindex (tabbing navigation )
accesskey (access keys )

6.16 Frame target names

Except for the reserved names listed below, frame target names ( 
%FrameTarget; in the DTD) must begin with an alphabetic character 
(a-zA-Z). User agents should ignore all other target names.

The following target names are reserved and have special meanings.
The user agent should load the designated document in a new, unnamed 
The user agent should load the document in the same frame as the 
element that refers to this target.
The user agent should load the document into the immediate FRAMESET 
parent of the current frame. This value is equivalent to _self if the 
current frame has no parent.
The user agent should load the document into the full, original window 
(thus canceling all other frames). This value is equivalent to _self if 
the current frame has no parent. 

Received on Monday, 11 August 2003 08:36:39 UTC