Re: Project about W3C Validator

Veronica Sanchis Vidal <> wrote:

>Hi, I'm working on a project about "Amaya" for my graduation at
>University. I would like to include the option Validate CSS in the Menu
>and the W3C Validator there, too. But I need to know whether this option
>is possible in the W3C Validator code, which part of the code should be
>modificated and how it would be included in "Amaya".

You may wish to take the approach used by various other browsers and
editors, which is simply to construct an URL based on the URL of the page
you wish to Validate. E.g.

Or you could take the approach taklen by the Opera browser and submit the
current page to the Validator using file upload (e.g. a HTTP "POST" request
with the uploaded file in the "uploaded_file" parameter).

Take a look at the various HTMl <form> elements on and
replicate the resulting forms submission that a browser would make.

In a longer view, the Validator will probably offer some way to
programatically validate documents. Probably by way of a SOAP interface or
something similar.

Now Playing "Strange Fruit" by "Nina Simone"",
 from the album "Feeling Good - The Very Best Of".

Received on Friday, 18 April 2003 16:53:25 UTC