Re: Beta: XML caveats disappeared

Bjoern Hoehrmann <> wrote:

>In the good old days the validator confessed it's limited XML support by
>pointing at IIRC. Since the XML support
>is obviously not any better than before, the not should be reassembled.

I've put back the note in the "Warnings" section when the Validator is
operating in XML mode. I'm not entirely certain it's actually a good thing
to have it there (the warning gives far too much weight to the
"limitations", which will give non-experts the wrong idea) or whether
that's the best place to have it.

We'll see what if any feedback it garners after the next beta.

"Violence accomplishes nothing."   What a contemptible lie!    Raw, naked
 violence  has  settled  more  issues  throughout  history than any other
 method ever employed.  Perhaps the city fathers of Carthage could debate
 the issue, with Hitler and Alexander as judges?

Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2002 17:17:07 UTC