Re: Public beta test of the W3C Markup Validator

* Terje Bless wrote:
>>The current message is confusing for somebody using file
>>upload. There is probably a better way to explain what happens.
>The current code in CVS now reads:
>  if ($File->{'Is Upload'}) {
>    my @_source = ('sent by your web browser', 'browser send');
>  } else {
>    my @_source = ('returned by your web server', 'server return');
>  }

  % perl -wMstrict -e \
    "if (1) { my $foo = 1 } else { my $foo = 2 } print $foo"
Global symbol "$foo" requires explicit package name at -e line 1.
Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.

>  &add_warning($File, <<".EOF.");
>      <em>Note:</em>
>      The HTTP Content-Type field $_source[0] did not contain
>      a "charset" attribute,´


>      but the Content-Type was one of the XML text/*
>      sub-types (<code>$File->{ContentType}</code>). The relevant
>      specification (RFC 3023) specifies a strong default of "us-ascii" for
>      such documents so we will use this value regardless of any encoding
>      you may have indicated elsewhere. If you would like to use a
>      different encoding, you should arrange to have your $_source[1] this
>      new encoding information.

You should suggest to use application/* XML media types.

Received on Sunday, 27 October 2002 05:02:55 UTC