Re: Beta: xml-stylesheet and xml:lang

Bertilo Wennergren <> wrote:

>Bjoern Hoehrmann:
>>* Bertilo Wennergren wrote:
>>>This raises another issue: It would be very handy if the validator
>>>could check XHTML 1.0 documents for conformance with those
>>>compatibility guidelines.
>>It would by very handy if it could HTML Validation right and complain
>>on e.g. <img width='two elephants height' ...>

This is something I hope to do irrespective of whether Tidy comes avilable
to us. Unfortunately, it's on the backburner because, as you mention below,
this has to take second seat to more important things.

>>HTML Tidy will eventually warn about violations of the compatibility
>>guidlines and if we improve the error reporting mechanisms [1], get the
>>library stable, write a Perl interface to HTML Tidy and finally
>>incorporate Tidy thereby into the validator, we might get such
>>functionality... but I fear such feature won't make it into this
>>version of the validator...
>But I do hope you will incorporate a working version of Tidy. [...]

When the Tidy guys finish up the Perl interface, we'll certainly take a
look at it -- and I suspect Björn has inadvertantly promised to do the
integration work now! :-) -- and include it if at all possible.

Quite apart from Tidy being cool all it's own, we've been in need of such a
tool ever since Weblint went AWOL a few years back.

Everytime I write a rhyme these people thinks its a crime
I tell `em what's on my mind. I guess I'm a CRIMINAL!
I don't gotta say a word I just flip `em the bird and keep goin,
I don't take shit from no one. I'm a CRIMINAL!

Received on Saturday, 26 October 2002 18:39:39 UTC