Re: Beta: xml-stylesheet and xml:lang

* Bertilo Wennergren wrote:
>>>Looking at the source code of I noted
>>>the text/html delivered XHTML 1.0 Strict document does not follow the
>>>compatibility guidelines of the XHTML 1.0 Second Edition recommendation,
>>>e.g. it uses only "xml:lang" to specify the language of the document (it
>>>should use both, 'xml:lang' and 'lang')
>> Fixed in CVS. Will be in next update.
>This raises another issue: It would be very handy if the validator could
>check XHTML 1.0 documents for conformance with those compatibility

It would by very handy if it could HTML Validation right and complain on
e.g. <img width='two elephants height' ...>

HTML Tidy will eventually warn about violations of the compatibility
guidlines and if we improve the error reporting mechanisms [1], get the
library stable, write a Perl interface to HTML Tidy and finally
incorporate Tidy thereby into the validator, we might get such
functionality... but I fear such feature won't make it into this version
of the validator...


Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 16:13:17 UTC