Re: [beta] suggestions

At 19:27 +0200 2002-10-24, Terje Bless wrote:
>  >* Title "HTML validation Service" move it to "W3C Markup Validation
>  >Service"
>Fixed for all instances I could find.


>  >* Fatal Error: No Doctype specified!
>  > The
>>example which is given does not contain encoding information, but if you
>>try to validate a document without encoding information, the validator
>>will say that it's not correct.
>The example shows a HTML snippet; encoding information should be in the
>HTTP headers. IOW the two are not related (and I seriously don't want to
>encourage the use of <meta> for no good reason).

Yep ok :)
or adding the xml declaration at the top with the encoding. But not 
mandatory as well.

We may need have a more detailed message in case of the lack of 
character encoding. I will think about it :)

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Thursday, 24 October 2002 13:44:54 UTC