Re: possible missing '>' bug in HTML 4 validator

--- Liam Quinn <> wrote:
> </tt<br>
> is a valid shorthand for
> </tt><br>
> However, since many browsers have problems with it, I'd recommend checking
> with the WDG HTML Validator (
> with warnings enabled, or switch to XHTML where the shorthand is not
> allowed.


Strange -- I had never seen this shorthand form of tag-folding.  It is very

The set of browsers which accept it must be extremely small -- I am pretty
sure the following browsers mishandled it:

    IE 6, winXP
    Netscape 4.7, winXP
    Netscape 6.2, win98
    IE 5.5, win98

Only Mozilla 1.0.1 (WinXP) got it "right".  (Presumeably Netscape 7 would as
well.)  Mozilla is my main browser, which explains why I didn't notice the
problem yesterday.

I'll check out the validator at HTMLHelp.  Thanks for letting me know about

-- Rich
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Received on Thursday, 17 October 2002 01:50:42 UTC