Re: Weird file name side effect in validating.

On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, Keith Hopper wrote:

> Greetings,
>      The attached tiny file validates as xml (which was expected).  If,
> however, the same file is accidentally renamed as ch2-ex1.html then it does
> not validate corresctly.  This is, to my way of thinking, ridiculous. 
> Validtion should be the same irrespective of the file name!

Your attachment was sent to the list as "text/xml", as which it
is fine.

By renaming as .html, you presumably caused it to be sent to the
validator as "text/html".  It is not a valid HTML document.

The name is of no consequence to the validator, but it affects
many webservers, and browsers in the context of file upload.

Nick Kew

Received on Monday, 25 November 2002 13:46:29 UTC