Re: The FPI of ISO/IEC 15445 Pre-HTML

Satoshi ISHIKAWA <> wrote:

>The user's guide to ISO/IEC 15445:2000 (a.k.a. ISO-HTML) describes
>how to write the document instance. And this document shows a sample
>DOCTYPE declaration for "preparation ISO-HTML" [1]:
>>    "-//ISO-HTML User's Guide//DTD Preparation of ISO-HTML//EN"
>> [<!ENTITY % Preparation "INCLUDE">
>> general entity declarations...
>> ]> 
>[...] It would be nice if you could add support for this FPI. Thanks.

I'll have to read the UG again to make sure I understand the implications
of this change, but on those somewhat shaky grounds, and as a purely
practical matter, I see no problem with including that FPI as an alias for
ISO-HTML on our end. If you notice a new release has happened (will be
noted in the the "What's New" section) and it isn't included, please ping
me about it.

"Someone" has still to get the issue tracking system set up -- :-) -- so
I'm not entirely unlikely to forget this issue if I'm not reminded. :-(

If you believe that's going to stop spammers, you're sadly misled.
Rusty hooks, rectally administered fuel oil enemas and the gutting of their
machines, that stops spammers.                                    -- Saundo

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2002 23:18:41 UTC