Re: How to automate using HTML validation service

Charles Manske <> wrote:

>We would love to integrate the W3C validation service into 
>mozilla/Netscape' HTML editor (Composer). Can we feed the filename to 
>upload or the URI as a parameter in the respective URLs to the 
>validation web pages? We can easily launch a browser window from 
>Composer but would like to automatically supply the pages to validate.<<theURL>>

will work. You can also POST a file using multipart/form-submission (IIRC)
with the properly encoded file in the ³uploaded_file² field. For a file you
are editing, this is probably the best way.

There are some options that can be set. Notably:

* ³outline² will enable the ³Show Outline² feature.
* ³ss² will turn on ³Show Source²
* ³sp² will enable ³Show Parse Tree²
* ³noatt² will supress attributes in the Parse Tree.

The mere presence of the parameters is enough today, but that may change in
the future. The supported syntax is;ss=1;sp=1;noatt=1.

Donıt upload files using GET, or mix GET and POST parameters. The results
are unpredictable and utterly unsupported. Please do try to keep up with
this mailinglist so you pick up on substantive changes in the service that
may affect you. Otherwise we need to figure out some way we can get in
touch with whoever is responsible for this feature on your end.

As weıve recently learned the hard way, we need to be carefull about
changes that affect third parties and just which changes fall under this
heading is not always easy to predict.

Also feel free to give w-v a holler if there is anything we could do better
or if you notice any problems in the service from your end. Integrating
well with third-parties such as editors is a priority for us.

Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 21:46:09 UTC