& handling problem

I've got a page (http://ccpops.org/index.shtml) that fails as follows: 

  href='AnythingGoes2002/castcrew.shtml'>Cast & Crew 
  Error:  character "&" is the first character of a delimiter but
          occurred as data  

but the source for that section is:

  href='AnythingGoes2002/castcrew.shtml'>Cast & Crew 

It looks to me as though the validator is failing my page
inappropriately; is there something here I don't understand? 

Scott Lawrence        GlobespanVirata Embedded UPnP & Web Technology
slawrence@globespanvirata.com                  http://www.emweb.com/

Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 16:54:20 UTC