Re: target attribute of anchor tags

At 15:04 08/08/2002 +0100, Philip TAYLOR [PC87S/O-XP] wrote:
>Note that I'm talking about Windows /qua/ Windows here, not about web
>browsers under Windows, but if the latter are forced to open everything
>in the same window so as not to disadvantage the blind and partially
>sighted, then logically the former would be as well.

Most of the time  there is a clear distinction between starting another 
application and visiting a new page. The former represents a completely new 
task and it is expected that a new window opens. The latter is a 
continuation of a current task, and new window opening will confuse users.


Andrew McFarland
UNITE Solutions          Phone 028 9077 7338    Fax   028 9077 7313

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2002 10:21:41 UTC