Re: New version of Quality Tips for Webmaster

At 18:25 -0700 2002-04-18, Thanasis Kinias wrote:
>  > Another idea : put the "tip of the day box", with a distinct color (but
>  > not too violent, e.g some gentle green) above the form.
>As someone who uses the Validator quite a lot, and who also uses Lynx, I
>would say that anything added before the `This Page Is Valid' text would
>reduce the useability of the Validator.  When one does a lot of
>validation, having to scroll to find out whether the page is valid is
>very inconvenient.

CSS rulez!

DO not confuse structure and layout.
We can perfectly put at  the top for the layout and at the bottom in 
the structure. So the page will be fine in text browsers and in 
graphical browsers.

It could be anywhere else. :) It's very easy to put it where it will 
be convenient, but at least in the structure of the text it will have 
to be at the right place.

When the new validator will be finished... I will help to tweak the 
CSS which has minor problems right now ;)

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 22:22:26 UTC