Re: Validator support for MathML embedded in XHTML

At 00:02 2002/04/02, Masayasu Ishikawa wrote:

>Actually there are other errors in your document, for example,
>the align attribute is not allowed on the div element in XHTML 1.1
>plus MathML 2.0 DTD.  You could try more conformant XML processors
>like Xerces-J or Xerces-C++.

Good catch! Alas, the template I'm working from was only conformant with 
XHTML 1.0 Transitional. My life would have been a bit easier had there been 
an XHTML 1.0 Transitional plus MathML 2.0 DTD. Should the validator have 
caught this?

Just for fun, I created a variant XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 DTD file that 
contains everything in the "standard" one except for the ENTITY definitions 
for entity values over xFFFF. When I specified that DTD in the source file 
prolog, the validator congratulated me for having well-formed XML. (I 
snared a copy of the icon out of the Icons directory at; it's not 
set up to display on the congratulations page.)

>And, I still wish the validator could support 'application/xhtml+xml'
>as soon as possible ... it's important to correctly support XHTML+MathML

Agreed. I'm waiting for IE to do a better job parsing XML, too.


Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 09:56:26 UTC