Re: multiple white-space

* Jochem Heicke wrote:
>Thanks to those who responded.
>A validated page with a construct
><pre><select><option> ... </pre>
>needed additionally
>option { white-space: pre;}
>to have Mozilla 0.9.3 display white spaces inside an option.

>I wonder whether this behaviour is according to documentation.

It's AFAICT okay for HTML documents but not okay for XHTML 1.0
documents. In fact, CSS's white space preservation properties don't
apply to XHTML documents most of the time.
Björn Höhrmann { }
am Badedeich 7 } Telefon: +49(0)4667/981028 {
25899 Dagebüll { PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 }

Received on Saturday, 15 September 2001 21:41:28 UTC