A few updates (was: several fixes)

On 18.04.01 at 06:57, Bjoern Hoehrmann <derhoermi@gmx.net> wrote:

>* Terje Bless wrote:
>>>  * don't claim to be redirected from http://host or http://host:80/ to
>>>    http://host/ -> uses URI::eq()
>>This doesn't seem to work and I can't figure out why (it _should_ work)
>>so I left it out of CVS. I'll look into it as time allows and apply it
>>when it works. Thanks!
>I'll take a look, too.

Ok, I just added this patch. I still can't figure out which drug gaas is
on, but I worked around it by stringifying one of the URLs before the

I also added support for "/check?uri=referer" so you can use the referer
feature with options.

That should be the last of your patch (holler if I've forgotten anything!)
with the exception of $q->redirect which is waiting for HTML::Template

The modified version is on <URL:http://validator.w3.org:8001/> -- the main
server won't be updated until we're sure it works and Gerald has approved
my changes -- and you can see the current TODO at
<URL:http://validator.w3.org:8001/todo.html>. The test version also has
some experimental support for testing short snippets of HTML in a textarea;
the interface can be found in
<URL:http://validator.w3.org:8001/fragment-upload.html> and bug reports
here would be most appreciated. :-)

Received on Sunday, 27 May 2001 03:15:26 UTC