Re: Character set validation

On 03.03.01 at 13:51, Kathleen Anderson <>

>Does anyone know why this charset ["windows-1250"] has started causing a
>fatal error in the HTML validator?

Yes. Why do you ask? :-)

We switched to using iconv(3) from glibc to do charset translations in the
Validator and it turns out there is a bug in glibc < 2.2 that makes it not
recognize "windows-nnnn" charsets (it uses "CPnnnn" instead). My test
system happened to have glibc 2.2 on it, but is still on
glibc 2.1.x so the problem wasn't discovered until it went live.

It's fixed now, as you've noticed.

I'm CCing everyone else who reported this problem. Please check and make
sure that the problem you reported is really fixed. If you're still having
problems, please let me know and I'll deal with it ASAP.

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2001 01:41:02 UTC