Re: Icons for XHTML1.1

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, hunter wrote:

> As stated on WDG's website...
> "Unlike other validators, the WDG HTML Validator uses a special SGML
> declaration with custom DTDs. The result is that many custom DTDs,
> especially those built from the HTML 4.0 Transitional DTD, work
> correctly with the WDG HTML Validator but not other validators..."
> so take it for what its worth...

This has nothing to do with validation of XHTML 1.1 documents.  The
special SGML declaration is only used with HTML/SGML documents whose
DOCTYPE is not recognized by the WDG HTML Validator.  The intention is to
allow authors to use their own DTD based on HTML 4 Transitional without
getting validation errors because they overrun the limits on number of
elements imposed by the HTML 4 SGML declaration.

XHTML 1.1 is recognized and fully supported by the WDG HTML Validator, so
the custom SGML declaration doesn't come into play.

I've slightly reworded the paragraph that you quoted in an attempt to make
this more clear.  The WDG HTML Validator always uses the DTD specified in

Liam Quinn

Received on Saturday, 30 June 2001 18:23:24 UTC