Re: When is XHTML 1.1 support going to be added to the Validator?

On 19.06.01 at 18:06, wrote:

>Good question.  It's been supported by the WDG Validator and the
>Site Valet for the past two weeks or so.

Patches will be gratefully accepted... :-)

Actually, patches shouldn't be necessary, but if you needed any magic to
make it work -- *cough*MathML*chough* -- a few words might save me the
brunt of the cursing and sweating part. :-)

>The W3C validator will (presumably) work if your document declares a

FSVO "work". :-)

>N.B. in case anyone's wondering about Site Valet, the company with
>which the server was colocated went into liquidation without warning:
>the first I knew was when I couldn't contact the server :-(

Sucks when that happens. You haven't considered hosting at Sealand? :-)

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2001 05:15:38 UTC