- From: <Robert.W.Blackburn@apcc.com>
- Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:42:00 -0400
- To: www-validator@w3.org
>>>>I'm guessing the problem stems from either the backslashes in the path (which Perl thinks are escape characters) or from that extra ":" that gets introduced as part of "D:\" (we use the colons in nsgmls.exe's output as position markers to extract the info we need). The attached version should fix it if that's the problem. Yes, after doing minor changes to the file to match my directory structure, the validator now works, thank you for the help. Here are what my final setting are: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Paths and file locations my $base_path = '/webroot/validator/'; $base_path = '/home/gerald/validator/' if $DEBUG; my $html_path = $base_path . 'htdocs/'; my $elem_db = $html_path . 'config/eref.cfg'; my $fpis_db = $html_path . 'config/fpis.cfg'; my $frag_db = $html_path . 'config/frag.cfg'; my $type_db = $html_path . 'config/type.cfg'; my $dtds_db = $html_path . 'config/doctypes.cfg'; my $chst_db = $html_path . 'config/charset.cfg'; my $sgmlstuff = $html_path . 'sgml-lib'; my $temp = "/webroot/validator/tmp/validate.$$"; # @@ Use POSIX/IO::File tmpfiles instead! # # Executables and binaries my $sp = 'D:/webroot/validator/sp/bin/nsgmls.exe'; my $weblint = '/usr/bin/weblint'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terje Bless <link@pobox.c To: W3C Validator <www-validator@w3.org> om> cc: Robert.W.Blackburn@apcc.com Subject: Re: --->Please make sure you specified the DOCTYPE properly 07/27/01 03:02 PM BTW, you need to send messages to <www-validator@w3.org> and not <www-validator-request@w3.org>. If you haven't subscribed to the list, messages will be bounced to a moderator and this detour may have introduced the wrong address somewhere along the way. On 27.07.01 at 11:11, Robert.W.Blackburn@apcc.com wrote: >Q: Does running my version of the validator against a known valid > page give the same error >A: Using http://validator.w3.org/ does seem to work. Ok, so we know it's caused by our error reporting code. >Q: What information does running NSGMLS by hand give >A: I ran NSGMLS by hand and attached both the HTML page and the error > text (See attached file: foo.html)(See attached file: errors.txt) Ok, so we know the parser is working and giving normal error messages. >Q: you did get the binary Iconv distribution from ActiveState and > installed it? >A: Yes I did, and it seemed to install correctly. Then it likely did or you would have gotten an error from PPM. >Q: The version of the "check" CGI application >A: $VERSION = q$Revision: 1.122 $; Ok. I'm guessing it's a problem with our error parsing code. Could you try the attached version? I've modified the path to nsgmls.exe to use UNIXy paths -- flop the slashes back the wrong way if your Windows variant don't understand those :-) -- eliminated some code, and modified error parsing. I'm guessing the problem stems from either the backslashes in the path (which Perl thinks are escape characters) or from that extra ":" that gets introduced as part of "D:\" (we use the colons in nsgmls.exe's output as position markers to extract the info we need). The attached version /should/ fix it if that's the problem. One indication of this would be if the error message you got was different each time. Apart from the "Uh Oh! I got the following unknown error" spiel; did the message afterwards -- the "invalid comment declaration" bit -- change depending on which page you tried to validate?
Received on Monday, 30 July 2001 09:51:21 UTC