Re: DTD 4.01 for ignoring & in CGI URL

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Terje Bless wrote:

> On 23.07.01 at 11:10, Kynn Bartlett <> wrote:
> >Why doesn't he just ignore the errors about ampersands?
> Because there are about two billion of them? :-)
> Nestor: I think I can throw together a patch to "check" for you that will
> ignore messages specifically for amperstands in URIs. Sometime in the next
> few days maybe...?
> If you grok Perl you could do it yourself. In "check" there are a few "next
> if /Some error message/" statements in the error parsing code. You can add
> another here that simply skips messages matching the amperstand errors.

Thanks i was thinking in making this work, however i will have to know the
internals of the program and how it interacts with the parser.

I really like emacs + pgsgml to chek for validity, however when it comes
to program active pages, it is not usefull, one option is to use the www
browser for emacs, save the page temporarily and do a sgml validate, but
that's very time consumming, so putting a button in every page is most
faster when everything is almost done.

p.d. one can path the check cgi, but here comes the question: how do i
know if the error is comming only from a url and not as a normal part of
a text?


nestor a. diaz
ingeniero de desarrollo - soluciones especializadas en linux
email: - www:

Received on Monday, 23 July 2001 16:33:22 UTC