Off Topic: @attrib

At 05:51 PM 7/9/2001 , Thanasis Kinias wrote:
>I'm curious about your usage here:  I've not seen attribute names written 
>before with the 'commercial at' as a prefix.  I associate this prefix with 
>arrays (as in Perl) -- what's the origin of using it for SGML/XML attributes?

Simple answer:  XSLT.

In XSLT, an "@" sign is how you indicate that you're talking about an
attribute, not an element.

(I first saw Sean Palmer using this, thought it was useful, and immediately
stole it from him.)


Kynn Bartlett  <>      
Technical Developer Liaison, Reef   
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
Online Instructor, Accessible Web Design

Received on Monday, 9 July 2001 21:09:44 UTC