Re: Validating SSL protected web-pages

Terje Bless:

> >I wanted to test my web-pages that are SSL protected, but I noticed that
> >only http:// URLs are supported by the I could
> >use the 'upload' feature, but then it wouldn't consider the SSI that I use
> >in my pages. Is there any way of testing my SSI pages with the validator
> >tools?

> Use your browser's "Save As..." function and then upload the saved copy.

Hoo, ha! Watch out! That won't always work. If you do that with MSIE,
it will (in many cases) _change_ the actual code. I just tested it with
one of my XHTML 1.0 Strict pages. MSIE 5.5 merrily saved it as HTML 4.0
Transitional, complete with upper-cased tagnames and a new DOCTYPE
declaration! It even took out the quotation marks around attribute
values when it felt like it!!!

Not much meaning in validating that instead of the actual page.

                         Bertilo Wennergren

Received on Sunday, 18 February 2001 15:36:34 UTC