Re: Validating SSL protected web-pages

On 15.02.01 at 03:07, Ivana Belgers-van Overmeeren
<> wrote:

>I wanted to test my web-pages that are SSL protected, but I noticed that
>only http:// URLs are supported by the I could
>use the 'upload' feature, but then it wouldn't consider the SSI that I use
>in my pages. Is there any way of testing my SSI pages with the validator

Use your browser's "Save As..." function and then upload the saved copy.

>The URL is and can only be accessed with a
>correct Certificate.

If this is a private Certificate, we couldn't check the site even if we did
add SSL/TLS support. That said, SSL/TLS is on the TODO and should be
reasonably easy to provide once a few other things are taken care of.

Received on Sunday, 18 February 2001 15:05:01 UTC