Re: several fixes

On 18.04.01 at 05:43, Bjoern Hoehrmann <> wrote:

>Well, you can offer something like
> if you feel better with
>that :-)

You know, that's a _great_ idea! I think I may just do that. :-)

>>>> -->
>>Sold! The extra slash is history. :-)
>You've forgotten
>| --- check.old   Wed Apr 18 05:39:23 2001
>| +++ check       Wed Apr 18 05:39:52 2001
>| @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
>|  #
>|  # Print different things if we got redirected or had a file upload.
>| -if ($File->{URI} eq $q->param('uri')) {
>| +if (URI::eq($File->{URI}, $q->param('uri'))) {
>|    print ' ' x 4, qq(<li><a href="$uri_def_uri">URI</a>: );
>|    print '<a href="', ent($File->{URI}), '">', ent($File->{URI}),
>|  } elsif ($q->param('uploaded_file')) {
>(quoted to prevent line wrapping) in revision 1.96.

As mentioned in my other message, this doesn't seem to work. URI::eq is
deciding that the two URIs are always different. I'll have to figure that
out before I can apply this part of the patch.

Hmmm. I wonder of this is a stringify/overload problem? Or maybe
scalar/list context? Must... Read... Source... :-)

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 23:59:30 UTC