Re: Question about WAP?

On 05.04.01 at 12:28, Shane P. McCarron <> wrote:

>I have added this in a local copy.  Basically, all you need do is add
>special handling for wml files so that they are treated as XML files and
>validated (much as XHTML is treated specially).

You wouldn't happen to have a patch for that would you? Or if you could
just send me (off-list I think) the "check" script so I can do a local

I was sure that the Validator handled WML now except that it didn't use to
be able to fetch the DTDs because of the vhost problem (which is fixed
now). Does anyone have any public URIs I could use to test this? Standalone
files (preferably minimal) that I could add as test cases?

Received on Thursday, 5 April 2001 18:36:40 UTC