Re: [Bug] XHTML Strict Minimal document

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Terje Bless wrote:

> On 25.10.00 at 11:07, Karl Dubost <> wrote:
> >Yes and it's very important to have a modular way to add this 
> >message.
> While it is done in the Perl layer of the validator it would be basically a
> configuration file of some sort. Not sure yet what makes most sense but
> either plain text (possibly with some markup) or in HTML::Template
> templates which contains some program logic.
> If it's done in (lq-)nsgmls the messages will be in a header file or
> similar (Liam?)

The messages come from

> Liam: if I manage to get some working code going for OpenSP, do you want
> patches to do that with the WDG Validator?

I'm still undecided about switching to OpenSP.  It has some nice features
like DTDDECL, but SP 1.3.4 is solid and reliable while OpenSP seems
comparatively untested.  If you have patches handy, send them on, but I
will likely stick with SP 1.3.4 for now.

Liam Quinn

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2000 13:48:13 UTC