Re: Minor Problem With File Upload Feature

On 02.10.00 at 08:29, Hourann Bosci <> wrote:

>could not get "/TR/xhtml1/DTD/transitional.dtd" from "" (reason 
>given was "Moved Permanently")

The server is issuing redirects for the DTD. So much for "Cool
URLs don't change"... :-(

>So, there you go. Hopefully this won't be a hugely difficult bug to iron 
>out ...

It's not a bug. It's that has fucked up. Again! :-(

Editor's note: in the last update, we noted that Larry Wall would "vomment"
on existing RFCs. Some took that to be a cross between "vomit" and "comment."
We are unsure of whether it was a subconscious slip or a typographical error.
We are also unsure of whether or not to regret the error.	

Received on Monday, 2 October 2000 16:03:50 UTC