XHTML validation

I ask again, and I'll keep on asking, until someone gives some 
resemblance of an answer:

Why does the w3 validator not validate XHTML?

XHTML 1.0 is the current HTML standard. Shouldn't the
W3C validator take care of XHTML validation?

Why does the W3C validator say that non XHTML docs
are valid XHTML 1.0?

This page at the following URL is not XHTML:


Nevertheless, W3C says:

  "Congratulations, this document validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict!"

The validator actually only checks for XML well-formedness.
That is not validation.

If no answer can be given here, where should I ask?

Does anyone care? What is this list for?

                         Bertilo Wennergren

Received on Monday, 12 June 2000 17:08:51 UTC