Re: Where is <BODY> supposed to go?

At 23:06 17-01-00 , Vidiot wrote:
>Run the following page through your validations checker:
>The weblint portion of the report says that <BODY> can'r go where
>I have it placed.  If I move it further up, the validator complains
>about placement.  There appears to be no place that is safe for

When they disagree, the validator takes precedence.

>Since when is white not a legal color?

Weblint is a collection of advisory opinions, FWIW.

>Since when are the attibutes that I have for the framesets illegal?

Since as long as the HTML 4 specification has been in effect.

>A TYPE attribute for SCRIPT?  Since when.  

Since as long as the HTML 4 specification has been in effect.

>I have the third edition
>of the O'Reilly Javascript book and there is no discusstion of
>a TYPE attribute for SCRIPT.

Alas, that may be a shortcoming of the book. 

>Excuse me for being blunt, but if every page that I 
>submit to the validation program is going to be rejected 
>as having errors, then what good is the validation program?  

The validation program is good. You should be looking to the HTML coding

>At this point in time, I have no idea how to make <BODY> compliant.

The precise description can be found in the DTD within the HTML 4
specification document.

Safe computing,  /Harold
Harold A. Driscoll                 mailto:Harold@Driscoll.Chi.IL.US
#include <std/disclaimer>                 http://Driscoll.Chi.IL.US

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2000 01:47:25 UTC