Re: href="" is not valid???

Ian Jacobs <> schrieb/wrote:
> Hendrik Dilling wrote:
> > The validator seems to take URL's as part of the HTML code, so I get in
> > trouble validating links which include the character "&".

The URL _is_ part of the HTML document. For more information see the FAQ  
reerences to which were already posted.

> RFC 2396 [1] defines "&" as reserved character:
> 2.2. Reserved Characters
>       reserved    = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" |
>                     "$" | ","

This reference has absolutly nothing to do with the question. It defines  
which characters are reserved within URIs for special purposes: E.g. ":"  
is used to separate protocol and URI, "@" separates user from host  
names, "/" is the hierarchy separator -- and ";" and "&" are used to  
separate parameters. Still they are valid URI characters.

But "...?xyz&abc" and "...?xyz%26abc" are different URIs: In the first  
case there are two parameters "xyz" and "abc", in the second case  
there's only one "yxz&abc".

This has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with the fact that character references  
are escaped in HTML attribute values.

Claus Andre Faerber <>
PGP: ID=1024/527CADCD FP=12 20 49 F3 E1 04 9E 9E  25 56 69 A5 C6 A0 C9 DC

Received on Wednesday, 6 October 1999 06:28:27 UTC