RE: PNG versions of valid HTML images added

At 10:47 PM 10/05/1999 -0400, B. Szyszka wrote:
>> Isn't XHTML a proposed recommendation?  It doesn't make sense to issue
>> icons for something that has not cleared the W3C process yet.
>If I can validate the code against XHTML at the W3C validator, then I'm assuming
>that an icon that represents me taking that process is within the boundaries of

It's not, because XHTML may still change.  It doesn't make sense to issue
icons for something that's still going through the W3C process; it's not
within the W3C's style to issue official icons for something that isn't
official yet.

Nothing says you are _guaranteed_ an icon for any particular validation
process.  In fact, validation icons may actually be a poor idea in the
long run, although in the short run they are good for promoting the
idea of interoperable web design.

Kynn Bartlett  <>         
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
Catch the web accessibility meme!         

Received on Tuesday, 5 October 1999 23:38:04 UTC