RE: Bug? Javasvript and the <p> tag

Unfortunately, the Validator IS still correct in this case,and it knows
exactly where the <P> tag starts AND ends. :)

The problem is actually being caused by the <NOSCRIPT>...</NOSCRIPT> tag,
and the way <NOSCRIPT> is defined in the HTML 4 spec.  It is my
understanding that a <NOSCRIPT>...</NOSCRIPT> definition qualifies as a
block-level element,
( and
according to the HTML4 spec,

"The P element represents a paragraph. It cannot contain block-level
elements (including P itself)."

You have (rightly) closed the <P> with a </P>, but that <P> cannot contain
any block elements, which <NOSCRIPT> is.  You'll see the same effect if you
try to put a list (<OL>, <UL>, etc.) or a table inside the <P>...</P>

Brian Gilkison

>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of Nathaniel Wylie Turner
>Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 12:36 AM
>Subject: Bug? Javasvript and the <p> tag
>The following page (http://www.WPI.EDU/~nturner/photos/) does not
>validate, but I'm fairly certain it is valid HTML 4.0.  It seems that
>the validator sees JavaScript and forgets the beginning <p> tag.
>Nathaniel Turner
>                                                       .

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 1998 01:03:17 UTC