[Bug 1131] LinkChecker should behave sensibly for news:// and irc:// URIs
[Bug 12] XML Parser does not detect whitespace before XML Decl.
[Bug 14] XHTML Detection is over-eager.
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
- bugzilla@wiggum.w3.org (Friday, 6 January)
[Bug 1833] Wrong ISO-8859-1 enconding behaviour on "Direct input"
[Bug 18] For conneg, allow choosing the Accept-* headers to send.
[Bug 22] Custom DTDs always treated as SGML (vs. XML).
[Bug 2307] line-height: 0 generates parse error
[Bug 24] HTML::Parser in XML mode doesn't work with lowercase doctypes
[Bug 2560] @media with mixed-case media type not recognized
[Bug 2617] ISO-8859-3 no longer supported
[Bug 2628] "xml:lang" attribute not supported
[Bug 2667] Test
[Bug 2669] URL encoding in JavaScript/PHP
[Bug 2689] documents with no whitespace between attributes validate
[Bug 2690] Direct Input always parses with UTF-8 encoding no matter what
[Bug 2691] there is no attribute "FRAMEBORDER".
[Bug 2760] Page should not validate but does
[Bug 2769] XHTML 1.0 Strict Script error
[Bug 2771] <script>'s should not be validated
[Bug 2785] The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.
[Bug 2786] type attribute in <link> tags
[Bug 2787] well-formedness & correctness
[Bug 2787] well-formedness & tag correctness
[Bug 2788] favicons to indicate valid/invalid on results page
[Bug 748] & in URLs not parsed correctly with GET requests
[Bug 768] Warn about background-color transparent
[Bug 785] validator does not supply reasonable Accept header by default
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator Changes,1.18,1.19 META.yml,1.6,1.7 Makefile.PL,1.20,1.21
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator Changes,1.20,1.21 META.yml,1.8,1.9 Makefile.PL,1.22,1.23
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator Makefile.PL,1.19,1.20 META.yml,1.5,1.6 Changes,1.17,1.18
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator Makefile.PL,1.21,1.22
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator META.yml,1.4,1.5 Makefile.PL,1.18,1.19
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator META.yml,1.7,1.8 Changes,1.19,1.20
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator/lib/W3C/LogValidator LinkChecker.pm,1.4,1.5
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator/lib/W3C/LogValidator LinkChecker.pm,1.5,1.6
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator/lib/W3C/LogValidator LinkChecker.pm,1.6,1.7
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator/samples logprocess.conf,1.20,1.21
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator/t module-linkcheck.t,1.2,1.3
perl/modules/W3C/LogValidator/t module-linkcheck.t,1.3,1.4
perl/modules/WebService/Validator/Feed Changes,1.1,1.2 META.yml,1.1,1.2
perl/modules/WebService/Validator/Feed README,NONE,1.1
perl/modules/WebService/Validator/Feed/lib/WebService/Validator/Feed W3C.pm,1.1,1.2
perl/modules/WebService/Validator/Feed/lib/WebService/Validator/Feed W3C.pm,1.2,1.3
validator/htdocs base.css,, footer.html,1.11, navbar.css,1.22,
validator/htdocs/docs users.html,1.22,
validator/htdocs/source index.html,,
validator/httpd/cgi-bin check,1.432.2.5,1.432.2.6
validator/httpd/cgi-bin check,1.432.2.6,1.432.2.7
validator/misc w3c-markup-validator.spec,,
validator/misc/bundle README,1.3,
validator/misc/bundle/lib/Bundle/W3C Validator.pm,1.4,
validator/share/templates/en_US feedback.tmpl,1.27,
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2006 23:55:17 UTC