Re: possible bug or misunderstanding

2012-03-15 15:00, ronald b. kopelman wrote:

> I received the following errors
> 17	.main	Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 25px
> 20	.main	Parse Error opacity=75)

They inform about constructs that are not defined in CSS3.

> 	-moz-border-radius: 25px; /*Firefox 3.6 and earlier*/

To turn information about this construct from error to warning, select 
"Vendor Extensions: Warnings" in CSS Validator's extended interface (the 
same where you can select CSS2). This does not make it any less 
nonstandard; the only reason for this setting is that it may help people 
to distinguish between serious errors and use of extensions.

> 	filter: alpha(opacity=75); /*For IE8 and earlier*/

This vendor extension is of such a type that it cannot be silenced - it 
does not use a vendor prefix. Basically the validator does not check the 
construct at all; you would need to check from vendor documentation that 
your use corresponds to the rules set by the vendor, so that it has the 
intended browser-specific effect.

> But, these lines are suggested in the w3 tutorials.
> See, for example,

The w3schools site is in no way related to the W3C, and it is generally 
unreliable (see In this particular issue, the 
advice is not wrong as such, but the constructs are still not CSS3.


Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2012 15:21:16 UTC