Re: possible bug or misunderstanding

On 15 Mar 2012, at 13:00, ronald b. kopelman wrote:

> I received the following errors
> 17	.main	Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist : 25px

Experimental implementations (with -vendor prefixes) are not valid. The options for the validator do allow you to demote them to warnings in reports though.

> 20	.main	Parse Error opacity=75)

Microsoft's non-standard proprietry implementation is also not valid. 

> But, these lines are suggested in the w3 tutorials. See, for example,

W3Schools is not affiliated with the W3C. They just enjoy the benefits of having a similar name causing people to mistake their low quality, security hole ridden tutorials for content produced by or for the W3C.

David Dorward

Received on Sunday, 18 March 2012 11:13:36 UTC