Dreaming up a new CSS validator

Hi all,

It was with great pleasure that I had a chance to see a few of you at  
the W3C technical plenary meeting at the end of October. The  
"conference" part of the meeting was interesting, but as always it is  
in the face-to-face conversations that I found inspiration and  

One discussion I had with Daniel Glazman (one of the chairs of the CSS  
WG) was about the open possibilities if we were, today, to start the  
CSS validator from scratch. The current tool is getting old, which has  
some obvious advantages (a number of bugs are out for good) and  
disadvantages, too. What if we started again today, would we make the  
same tool at all?

I suspect this would be a great experiment to have with all the people  
who care about CSS, and about the CSS checking service that we offer.  
Your ideas... here:

Thank you,
olivier Thereaux - W3C - http://www.w3.org/People/olivier
W3C Open Source Software : http://www.w3.org/Status

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 16:28:19 UTC