RE: -moz-outline-style

I don't think I understand this question. Is this the dotted line box around
the link that shows up when you tab over it? If so, I don't understand why
you'd want to get rid of it. If you click with the mouse somewhere on the
page that is not a link, it goes away. It's not like it changes the style of
the page or anything, right? It's only there if a linked element has focus,
right? And if so, I for one wouldn't want to get rid of the dotted outline.
I like to know if an element has focus.

If that's not what you're talking about, then what is? It's the only thing I
can think of based on the description and I can't imagine a site doing
without it. If you had said "visited link color" then I could understand,
but I can think of no other feature to be described as "visited box."


PS: I'm not so sure I'd say that using a browser extension would make the
style sheet "not valid," but the statement that doing so "won't validate by
the W3C validator" is correct. Personally I think this should go under
"warnings" rather than "errors." An actual error would be not using a unit
of measure for a measurement or not using a valid color or whatever. But if
I read the CSS specs correctly, browsers should simply ignore the styles
they don't understand. I'm not complaining, mind you, as I see the purpose
of the validator, but it would be nice to also validate on vendor-specific
extensions when known and Mozilla and Microsoft both publish their lists.

>  On 14 Mar 2008, at 13:58, Reed Kirkpatrick wrote:
>  > So, how do I comply with W3C and remove the irritating "visited
>  > box" in FF?
>  >
>  > 41 a:focus  Property -moz-outline-style doesn't exist : none

Received on Friday, 14 March 2008 21:13:44 UTC