Fwd: restful api wish

Sorry guys for not maintaining the thread. Not sure if I can specify
thread-id in Gmail.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kai Hendry <hendry@iki.fi>
Date: Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: restful api wish
To: olivier Thereaux <ot@w3.org>

Hi! Sorry it took me ages to get back to you.

       x61:~/projects/html5% ./validate-css.sh test.css
       W3C CSS Validator results for file://localhost/test.css

       Sorry! We found the following errors (1)

       URI : file://localhost/test.css

       Line : 1 body
                  (Value Error : color
                  1234123 is not a color value :

       No style sheet found

So it looks like you only do line numbers and quite a lot of error context.

In terms of VIM (my editor), the error format I am looking for is:

set errorformat=%f:%l:%m

%f I generate, so just:
       %l - line number
       %m - error message

Hence I think the text.properties could be as simple as:

       $err.Line:$context_msg $error_msg
       $warning.Line:#if ( $warning.Context ) $warning.Context #end

Be good if the error output alias could be something short like 'vim'.

Let me know what you think. Kind regards,

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 19:37:46 UTC