Question about the CSS-Validator

Validating my CSS-Stylesheet ( I got these faughts:
272 body Die Eigenschaft scrollbar-3dlight-color existiert nicht : #400080 
273 body Die Eigenschaft scrollbar-arrow-color existiert nicht : #ff0000 
274 body Die Eigenschaft scrollbar-base-color existiert nicht : #ffffff 
275 body Die Eigenschaft scrollbar-darkshadow-color existiert nicht :
276 body Die Eigenschaft scrollbar-face-color existiert nicht : #ffffff 
277 body Die Eigenschaft scrollbar-hightlight-color existiert nicht :
278 body Die Eigenschaft scrollbar-shadow-color existiert nicht : #c0c0c0
Why is his wrong? Fact is it, that the scrollbar is colored as I like it
when I use exactly these styles.
Then I got warnings about the same color for background and foreground,
which I took just because I like it in this way. I can't see the reason,
except to proof the colors, that this is listed and not just "Correct".
Thank you for your answer before getting it. This service seems to be very
Yours sincerely
Dr. Viola Vockrodt-Scholz

Received on Wednesday, 4 July 2007 19:01:51 UTC