Re: CSS Validator Error (font-stretch)?

Hi David,
Thanks for your replies and help.

 >> 1. how do I specifically invoke the old css2 profile?

 >You pick CSS 2 from the profile menu (I think it might be hidden behind
 >"more options" or similar).

OK found it - 'conspicuous by its camouflage'. I think a button might be 
more appropriate - links usually move your location!

 >> 2. The fact that 'font-stretch' now fails caused me to look at the
 >> css2.1 spec and I find that 'font-stretch' has been removed - so what
 >> has replaced it - or is there any other work around? I have used
 >> 'font-stretch' as a convenient way to scrunch up text to fit nav bars.

 >My understanding of CSS 2.1 is that it removes properties which lack
 >support (2 independent implementations), font-stretch is likely a 
 >victim of this.

 >> Whilst validating with the old ccs2 spec is ok in the short term - in
 >> the long term my css code will have to be fixed to meet validation. 
  >>So better sooner than later - and I'm sure I am not alone in this.

 >I wouldn't be surprised if it was coming back for CSS 3.

Maybe I'll hang fire on changes and see what happens.

 >> BTW I hit 'respond to this message' in the mailing list but the 
 >>original thread text is missing! What am I doing wrong?

 >"In the mailing list"? Do you mean your email client? That would 
depend >on what email client you are using. Many will only quote 
selected text
 >if any text is selected, its possible you selected a space.

No - at the foot of page

My email client is Mozilla - and I had expected I had expected to open 
with original message showing.  In this instance I have cut-n-pasted the 
original text.

Although I have been online some 12 years and this is the 1st time 
written to one of these lists. I have always avoided anything that 
publicly displays my email address and stick to forums.

Regards - James - <>

Received on Saturday, 24 February 2007 00:01:18 UTC