Re: A suggestion to improve the validator

magick wrote:
> From: Kravvitz <>
> Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 15:40:18 -0500
>> The warning is triggered by the following code.
>> <p class='center' style='font: 18px bold;'><a  
> I guess I'll have to use long-hand syntax instead of short-hand syntax 
> when refering to "font"

Yes, the problem with the font property is that according to the syntax, 
you need to specify at least a font-size and a font-family, and that any 
font-weight, -style or -variant needs to be before the size.  So the 
above was actually setting the font-size to 18px and a font named "bold" 
(which is likely to be non-existent for most users).

Also note that you should generally avoid specifying font-sizes in 
pixels for accessibility reasons.  It prevents IE users from resizing 
the text at all.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Monday, 30 January 2006 21:37:44 UTC