Re: A suggestion to improve the validator

From: Kravvitz <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 15:40:18 -0500

 >The warning is triggered by the following code.
 ><p class='center' style='font: 18px bold;'><a  
href=''>Legal Info</a></p>
 >I take it that you never checked line number 94?
 >I agree that the automatically generated IDs are not useful and that 
the warning was not very clear.

Thanks, and I did check line number 94, look at this screen shot
That's what I meant when I said the line numbers are incorrect.

I guess I'll have to use long-hand syntax instead of short-hand syntax 
when refering to "font"

All this extra code just ads to the loading time of the page, but oh 
well.  At least I'll have a warning-free site if I switch to long-hand :)

Received on Monday, 30 January 2006 21:05:30 UTC