Re: Bug Report: font-size-adjust

On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 09:15:06PM +0900, olivier Thereaux wrote:

> The CSS working group considers that CSS2.1 includes errata for
> CSS2, and as such, stylesheets that are invalid when checking
> against 2.1 are invalid CSS2.

Only for features which are common to both (according to
). Since font-size-adjust is not common to both, that it is missing
from CSS 2.1 isn't considered errata.

Additionally, it states that "While CSS 2.1 is still a Working Draft,
the errata are to be considered proposed errata." (and it is still a
working draft).

... but I only raised the point as a lead in to the main problem.

> Could you add this to bugzilla?
> The validator only links to one spec, and for now indeed it is CSS2.
> However, I agree that it should be changed to 2.1 eventually, and I  
> added the following issue to bugzilla earlier today:

Great, thanks.

David Dorward                            

Received on Monday, 18 December 2006 12:31:01 UTC