Re: 2 css2 filter glow

On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 10:05:17AM +0100, R.O. van der Veen wrote:
>    On this url [ ] I

Please not that W3Schools is _NOT_ affiliated with the W3C. 
> +------------------------------------------------------------+ 
> | glow | color    | Makes the    | filter:glow(color=#ff0000,| 
> |      | strength | element glow | strength=5);              | 
> +------------------------------------------------------------+ 
>    So, I'm a littlebit confused, what can be the error ?                      

W3Schools are wrong (this is not uncommon, they make many
mistakes). There is no filter property in CSS. There is filter
property in Microsoft's proprietary, unnamed style language (which is
based on CSS, and refered to as CSS in Microsoft's documentation, but
isn't actually CSS).

The definitive list of properties that actually ARE in CSS2 can be
found in the CSS2 specification.

David Dorward                            

Received on Friday, 18 November 2005 10:06:13 UTC