- From: Paul Norman <penorman@mac.com>
- Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 17:37:10 -0700
- To: scott fetherlin <linux@zianet.com>
- cc: www-validator-css@w3.org
>i am curious why my css validates straight from the website uri >(www.linuxoverwindows.com) but not the stylesheet itself >(www.linuxoverwindows.com/css/style.css) The second file (style.css) is not being sent as CSS but is being sent as HTML. The mime type being used is text/html. You need to change your server configuration to send CSS files with the MIME type of text/css. One thing that puzzles me is why it validates the CSS when you point it at <http://www.linuxoverwindows.com>. >pages seem to load fine in internet explorer but not in a compliant >browser like firefox. Firefox may be displaying your pages differently then you expect because you are not sending your stylesheets as CSS. -- Paul
Received on Sunday, 12 June 2005 00:37:18 UTC