Possible Bug Report

I have recently checked all my stylesheets and webpages for 
compatibility. They all passed, but once I put the icons with the 
referer links on my webpage they failed.

Fail: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer (from clicking 
the link on the bottom left at http://weblog.bananasontoast.org/ 

This makes no sense. Not to mention that the errors given...

    * Line: 0 Context : #banner-bar a:hover

       Invalid number : background Too many values or values are not 
recognized : #5a7a91 url("./swirl.gif") no-repeat 5px center
    * Line: 0 Context : .themeicon

       Invalid number : background Too many values or values are not 
recognized : url("./theme.png") no-repeat center 4px

....make no sense either, considering that in the w3schools CSS 
Tutorials (http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_background.asp) it clearly 
says that it should be in the format of...

     background: background-color background-image background-repeat 
background-attachment background-position

....and this is the exact format I use...

     background: #5a7a91              url("./swirl.gif")       no-repeat 
                                                      5px center

Hoping I have found a useful bug or you can provide me with a 

- Mitch

Received on Monday, 9 August 2004 06:14:08 UTC