Re: Validation Problems

* Christopher Huhn wrote:
>I think the following is an error:
>My document is validated as XHTML - encoding iso-8859-15.
>But I have to use entities for umlauts or CSS validation fails with 
>"invalid XML character".

Well, according to
ISO-8859-1 is currently not supported by the CSS Validator.

>Additionally the (X)HTML validator does not complain about attributes 
>that are not separated by spaces (<td align="left"valign="top">) but the 
>CSS validator does.

White space between attribute specifications is required in XML. The W3C
HTML Validator incorporates a SGML parser with only limited XML support
(cf., hence it cannot detect all errors in
a XHTML document, try instead.

Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2002 18:58:39 UTC